Free Scripture Memory Card Set (and an activity to do with your kids in quarantine)
Oh, friend. This season hasn’t been easy, has it? Know that you’re not alone. No matter how isolated you may feel. Let’s walk through this together, even from a distance.
I’m clinging to Jesus’ words from John 16:33, reminding us that He’s not surprised by what we’re going through, and that He cares.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33).
One thing that’s been helping me to keep my head on straight through this quarantine (especially when it feels like everything around me is spinning or when it’s actually me who’s doing the spinning) has been helping my kids to memorize Scripture. It has a great ripple effect because the more I get to point them to God’s Word, the more I’m reminding myself of it. And I sure need it.
An added bonus: hearing my kids speaking words of life and love out loud is a welcome reprieve from the sound of them fighting with each other.
I’ve been making Scripture Memory Card Sets that can work like flash cards, a puzzle, or a memory game. When you lay all of the cards in order and flip them over, they make a lettered image of the whole verse.
My littlest guy memorized John 3:16 in about fifteen minutes using one of these card sets. I’m not exaggerating. I want to take advantage of these early years when their brains are sponges, so I’m trying to pour as much Scripture into them as I can (but these are great for grown ups, too)!
You can download and print my John 3:16 set for free right here:
Also included in your free printable card set are other helpful resources, like “9 Steps to Easier Memorization,” printing instructions, a “cheat sheet” card with the first letter of every word, and a lined sheet for practice writing the verse out by hand.
If you’re looking for more, I also have a Psalm 91 set available in the SHOP. I’m working on making some other sets right now, too. I hope they can be an encouragement to you!
Want a DIY method for different verses?
If you want to make your own Scripture memory cards, here’s is a really simple way you can whip some up, and it could make a great quarantine activity.
Have your kids draw or paint a picture on one side of a piece of paper.
Cut the picture into squares.
Lay down the squares to put the picture back together.
Flip each card over, keeping the cards in place.
(**Make sure you do this step first so that the words will lay out in order when they’re upside down, rather than writing the verse on the back of the paper before you cut out the squares.)
Write your verse on the back of each square, spreading the words across the squares however they fit best. You can also number the cards in order, at this point.
Have fun!
Because of Jesus,