Posts tagged Emily Gavenda
The Chase {Guest Blogger: Emily Gavenda}

"God is a persistent hunter, a wise hunter, a successful hunter. He isn't hunting me for sport. He is hunting me because He loves me, He chose me, and He wants to continue working in my heart," (Emily Gavenda).

My friends, I'm so filled with joy at the beautiful presence of God in every moment! I'm so thrilled at the way He moves and works! I'm so humbled by His faithfulness and mercy. I'm recovering from three seizures yesterday {crazy!!}, and I'll have an update for you soon. 

For now, I'm resting in the care of so many loving friends--the church truly being the Church--and I could use a good dose of humor! 

I'm not funny. Not even a little. I wish I could be funny. But humor just isn't my gift. 

It IS, however, for my dear friend, Emily of "Purple is her Color". She's an incredible writer with a beautiful soul and a passion for Jesus. And....she's hilarious!  

It's an honor to have her sharing her heart with us today at To Choose Joy! Grab a cup of coffee and join me with Emily Gavenda! Your sides will split and your souls will be filled!

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