The World Doesn't Belong on Your Shoulders

We’ve all had them. Those battles in life that knock us off our feet, in one way or another.

When I was lying in a hospital bed five years ago, at the beginning of CRPS, we didn’t know if I’d ever walk on my own again. We didn’t know if the doctors would be able to get my pulse to return so I could keep my leg. We didn’t know if I’d ever have another moment without excruciating pain.

As I laid there, in pain like I had never could have imagined, the fear that rushed through my mind had to do with the people I had been living in such a big way to care for. I knew that God would take care of me. There wasn’t a doubt about that in my mind. But I wondered if my husband and my three sweet kiddos would be ok. I worried about what their lives were going to look like with mine changing so suddenly and so drastically.

And then, God pointed me back to Philippians 4:19 and He reminded me so gently that He wouldn’t just take care of me. He’d take care of them, too. If I believed that God was going to meet all of my needs, I could believe that He would meet all of my husband’s needs and my little ones’ needs. Because I’m not the Provider. He is.

It’s a reminder that I can’t get enough: the world doesn’t rest on my shoulders. It’s God who holds everything together. Anyone else need to hear that?

No matter the battle you’re up against: you can trust Him. He will take care of you.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬).

For more digging:

  • Genesis 22:1-18

  • Psalm 18:30-36

  • Psalm 62:5-8

  • Psalm 78

  • Romans 8:28

  • 1 Timothy 6:6-12

I’m studying this with the Framework journal. It’s been a great way for me to focus on who God is and to build my life on His Truth. You can find Framework HERE.