One death was enough.

I’m tempted to beat myself up on a regular basis.


Didn’t respond the best way in that conversation.


Couldn’t keep up with the mess today.


Wasted time worrying about that thing again today.

Didn’t love well enough. Didn’t do enough. Didn’t think the right thoughts. Didn't think enough thoughts. Didn’t……

So. Many. Strikes.


All the while, a Savior, who took the strikes for me, is beckoning me:

Come. Rest. Stay. Begin again.


All the while, a Savior, who was beaten on my behalf, says:

You belong. You are enough. You are forgiven. You are deeply loved.


All the while, a Savior says,

“This is my body, broken for you…”

“This is my blood, poured out for you…”


How could I forget?


Could I be so bold as to look at that offering and declare that I am still, somehow, not enough? Could I be so vain as to look at that sacrifice and think that it could, somehow, not cover my shortcomings?


Oh, Jesus. Thank You. Thank You for Your sacrifice for me. For the world. Thank You for paying the price for my sin so that I can have forgiveness and new life and eternal security in You. Thank You for calling me Your own, in Your gentleness and mercy and love and grace.


Thank You that one death was enough.

Thank You that it is finished. Thank You that it is done.

Lead me to the cross. I will remember You.


My friend, what do you get to lay down because He already lifted it up on that tree? What are you thankful that you don't have to bear because He bore it for you?

What is leading you to the cross today? 


Joy Challenge, the all-in-one Bible study and devotional journal, is here! 

Joy Challenge, the all-in-one Bible study and devotional journal, is here!