Role Playing {3-Day Love Challenge: Day 2}
We're just wrapped up Day 1: Leave the Lights On!
We huddled close with our Bibles in hand and talked about:
- some of the biggest barriers to a woman's desire to have sex,
- one of the biggest threats to intimacy in marriage,
- the importance of humility based on the model Jesus laid out for us,
- and lots of great resources from incredible voices on love and marriage.
What have you thought of the 3-Day Love Challenge so far?
We'd love to hear from you in the comments below, or on your favorite social media platform (follow @ToChooseJoy). Use the hashtags #TCJLoveChallenge and #ToChooseJoy so we can connect better as a community!
Today, we're getting into some Role Playing!
- What our response should be to 1 Corinthians 13,
- How to change your husband,
- Your job as a woman
- Your job as a wife,
- When being a mommy is taking over your marriage,
- and more!
Sign up for FREE right here to receive Days 2 and 3.
Can't wait to have you along with us!