I'm so excited to announce our first Featured Reader!
We're launching something new that I'm just giddy about. It's our Featured Reader column, where you can curl up with a cup of coffee and find inspiration from the stories of real people who are walking along with us on the journey.
Everyone has a story.
Yours is worth telling. God is unleashing His beautiful love in your life and the world needs to hear how it plays out.
Follow @ToChooseJoy on Instagram to find out when we're looking for new stories to share.
Right now, we're highlighting the lovely
Abigail Denton.
She's a 27-year-old wife and a mom of 3-under-4.
Get a glimpse at what God is up to in Abigail's life right now, learn some fun trivia, and
be inspired.
Abigail Denton
At a Glance...
Hi! My name is Abigail Mae Denton and I'm married to the newest pastor at Central Baptist Church, Yorkshire, New York. We have been transitioning into this new role since November 2015. We had three kids in three years--they are currently 4, 2, and 1. In this season, supporting my husband and raising godly children are my two main goals. I'm learning that doing these well allows me to use the gifts and abilities God has given me to be involved in our church.
A day in the life...
My children are morning people (just like their father) so my day starts way too early. We do the baby/toddler routine during the day; changing diapers and getting snacks. At night I cooking dinner with someone clinging to my legs, snuggle and read books before bed, and then remind myself I'm an adult with a husband. Sundays are my favorite! We get to go to an amazing church, worship Jesus, and love on people.
How did Jesus first get your attention?
I grew up in church--my dad was a pastor. When I got out of college, got married, and started a family, I realized that Jesus is bigger and better than I actually believed deep in my soul. My faith was rocked when God allowed us to walk through the deepest valley. Jesus held my hand and called me close to him during that time. He became so real and comforting, reshaping my view of what it means to love Him and love people. He has my attention more now than ever, thanks to that trial and dark time in my life.
What has God been pressing on your heart lately?
God has been pushing me to pay attention. Life is so short and God continues to bring moments, recently the death of a dear friend, to remind me to pay attention! My babies are growing up, my husband is an amazing man of God, and our church is such a blessing. I don't want to miss any of the blessings God gives me each and every day. I am not guaranteed even one more second of these gifts and I want to show God how thankful I am for them by working hard and enjoying this abundant life that He has given me.
Strongest character trait...
I love to love on people. I love to get to know people and show them Jesus's love in a way that's a blessing to them. If that's meeting for coffee or walking around a craft store, it makes me so happy to be an encouragement. When God puts someone on my heart, I let them know and offer something; babysitting, a meal or even a donut. God is usually prompting me for a reason and I love being used to take care of His children. And I really like craft stores and coffee.
Most embarrassing moment...
I'm a chicken so I don't usually take risks. My embarrassing moments aren't really funny or that embarrassing. I'm boring.
Favorite food...
Ice cream. Any kind, but chocolate is always a good choice. Unless you're offering Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, then I'll just take both.
Biggest pet peeves?
Technology hates me. I won't be able to get something to work and as soon as my husband walks over, it works fine...EVERY SINGLE TIME! I hate when I'm walking my baby over to the sink to clean her up from eating and she touches my clothes with her dirty hands. Usually right after I actually showered and got dressed.
A book (besides the Bible) that has had a great impact on your life...
Ann Voskamp 1,000 gifts. I haven't stopped chewing on the concepts of that book since I read it 2 years ago. And it has spilled into our family life. We keep a thankfulness board in our dining room that we add to each day and praise Jesus for all the amazing things he has given us together as a family.
If given 3 free hours to do anything, we would find you...
Painting a piece of furniture, going to a coffee shop with a good book and my journal, or walking around a craft store.
What's your favorite childhood memory?
I lived on the same street as my 2 best friends (also pastors' kids) and we spent every waking hour playing inside our homes and outside in the neighborhood. All summer long we ate popsicles, rode bikes, and read books.
Where do you need to be reminded of the truth in your life?
My attitude towards my kids. They are hard and life is a lot of work with them. But I need to make the right choice.
A topic you would like to see us do a study on...
I would love to do a study on worry or handling stress.
What are you most passionate about?
I am passionate about building relationships. Letting people into my life so that I can invest in them and walk through life together. Developing mutually beneficial relationships, genuinely loving people like Jesus did; the messy and unlovely are just as welcome as the pulled together and composed. I am also passionate about redefining what christian liberties are. Following Jesus doesn't always look the same and that's ok. The Bible has very high standards for Christ followers and I hold myself and other christians to those high standards. But, there are a lot of christian liberties that do not make someone less committed to Jesus because they differ from my choices.