To Choose Joy Bible Studies Study Women

Captive Cards

Take a step toward freedom from worry with this powerful resource that you can keep coming back to, day after day.


Take the Joy Challenge!

{a full-length Bible study and a full-length devotional journal all-in-one}

With this all-in-one combination, you can let the concepts from the Bible study stay fresh and sink deeper into your heart, well beyond the time you complete the actual study material, as you continuing your journaling right in the same book. 

In the Bible Study, we dig deeply into God's Word to discover the true meaning of joy, and how this true joy is available to us in every step we take. 

The study is split into five phases that can be easily divided over five days, twenty-five days, or five weeks, depending on the season of life you're in. Suggested timelines are included to help you accomplish your unique goals.

  • Phase 1: Redefining Joy: It's Not About Happiness
  • Phase 2: Grace in the Moments: Focus Changes Everything
  • Phase 3: Abiding in Christ: When "Read the Bible and Pray" is Not the Answer
  • Phase 4: Looking Beyond Yourself: Facing the Giants
  • Phase 5: Standing Firm: Perseverance is the Evidence of Love

The journal contains guiding questions, Bible verses, and key truths from the study to help you continue to walk in joy long after you've completed the Bible study! 

The book is bound with gold wire coil and has a lovely a gold and white striped cover on the front and back.  160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 x 1"
Copyright (c) 2016 Becky Bennett, All Rights Reserved

Becky Bennett is the creator of To Choose Joy and She is passionate about spreading biblical truth and the fullness of joy to women through Bible studies and devotionals, speaking, and wall art. Becky is in a daily battle with a debilitating nerve disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD) and is determined to cling to Jesus, walk through pain, and inspire others to do the same. She absolutely loves life with her husband, Sean, and their three young children. They live in Webster, New York, although Becky will always be a Maine girl at heart.

We have even more brand new Bible studies, devotional journals, and other resources coming your way later this spring and into the summer!


Among them are:

the Hidden Scripture Memory Journal


the Captive: Worry Cleanse Bible study & devotional journal


Sign up for our email newsletter below to be the first to know when they're released.


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Use the hashtags #TCJLoveChallenge and #ToChooseJoy to post about what stands out to you in the study so we can grow as a community together!

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